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Land Navigation

Knowing how to get where you're going is essential as you handle life, especially if you have a career in the military or as a member of law enforcement. In those instances, getting lost could certainly complicate matters. Luckily, we have a broad selection of land navigation tools to help you in the field. Whether you'd prefer updated GPS technology or want tried-and-true assistance from a compass, we have the items you need to stay orientated. Also look for products that will help when drawing maps and making diagrams prior to carrying out missions, such as protractors. Many of these products can be clipped directly onto your uniform, or even worn on the wrist so you can check navigation specifics with a glance. When getting to your destination as smoothly as possible is a necessary part of your job description, rely on the products within our inventory to offer the assistance you require. They perform well even in very challenging conditions.

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