In 2015 the U.S. Army moved to the modern-day OCP Uniform, with the Air Force (and ultimately the Space Force) following shortly behind. Since then, there have been countless updates to standards, wear, and policies surrounding what is or isn't AR670-1 Compliant. US Patriot has been the Army's most trusted uniform provider for over 20 years and we strive to keep the most up-to-date information available for you to ensure your next uniform is up to snuff. We've created a guide for you that cuts through the fluff and provides the pertinent information you need for your uniform.

You can read the entire AR670-1 guide here, or you can get the cliff notes with this Army OCP Uniform Guide we created for you. We're proud to be the nations leading uniform supplier to those serving the nation are standing by to answer any questions you have about your custom uniform.

You can also find information regarding Army Basic Training, Army Packing Lists, and Product Reviews for Army-specific tactical gear.